This is the seam within a few weeks after installation. The seam was gapped and the yarn fell into the void and stuck to the double-faced tape.
To repair:
- Remove Carpet
- Re-trim seams. Removing the carpet from the tape may compromise the carpet backing and cause it not to bond to the new tape.
- Remove old tape and install new making sure it bonds well to the subfloor.
- Reposition carpet at seams with no gaps.
- Peel tape slowly making sure no gaps exist in the seam prior to setting the carpet on the tape. Repositioning is not possible.
- Carpet can’t be stretched so you’ll need an additional fill to account for the material that was removed at the seam.
- Air.o is designed as a temporary installation. If you adhere any part of it with an adhesive other than the recommended tape you are creating a permanent installation and may damage the floor underneath.

Mohawk’s air.o has an attached synthetic cushion. No additional cushion is required.
Bad Seam Remove Carpet Remove air.o double-faced tape. Trim seams. Position seam. Peel the protective layer from air.o carpet seam tape. Roll the air.o Carpet seam. air.o Carpet can not be repositioned
once it touches the tape.Have air.o Carpet attic stock on hand. Add fill to replace air.o Carpet
removed from trim.air.o Carpet successfully repaired.
Air.o Carpet from Mohawk is a temporary floor covering option and simple to install. It’s simple enough that a DIYer can successfully install wall-to-wall carpet. Don’t ask me how or why, but some professional floor guys still get it wrong.
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